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Swtor one man band

swtor one man band

At that point, there were definitely more than two Sith (a master and an apprentice), as suspected by the Jedi in The Phantom Menace. Now, you might be asking yourself, why would a cult of Revan - a Jedi - develop among the Sith? We’re still talking ancient history here - over 3,500 years before Luke and his band of rebels destroyed the first Death Star and Vader went spinning off into space. Today, the Revanites secretly follow the path forged by Revan and await his return….”¹ Revan wielded the dual philosophies of Sith passion and Jedi tranquility to conquer his enemies: he even nearly assassinated the Sith Emperor. Composed of members throughout Imperial Society - from esteemed Sith to enterprising slaves - the Revanite cult worships the teachings of the legendary Jedi Revan…. So, who was Revan and the cult who followed him? The Order of Revan, “a secret society known as the Revanites hides deep in the jungles of Dromund Kaas. Revan’s story is about the tragedy of manipulation, the corruption of ambition, and the ultimate triumph of love (if you chose the Light side conclusion to the game, that is).


Revan won the 2015 Black Series Fan Choice (for action figure development) at San Diego Comic Con, and his figure was released in late 2016 and widely available in early 2017.


For those who have, Revan is an old favorite and the fandom continues to petition the franchise to make a movie about him. Even if you grew up with Star Wars like I did and consider yourself a huge fan, it’s safe to say you’ve never heard of Revan if you haven’t played the Star Wars multi-player, choose-your-own-adventure online games Knights of the Old Republic or The Old Republic: The Shadow of Revan. Ren is, as the theory goes, a corruption of Revan (R’en) and the Knights of Ren are a New Republic version of the Old Republic Revanites, or the Order of Revan. The theory - and it’s a convincing one - focuses on the name Ren, Ben Solo’s assumed name and it’s ultimate reference to one of the franchise’s most beloved (yet widely unknown) characters. It delves into the origins of the Knights of Ren, the secret paramilitary order Kylo Ren commands under Supreme Leader Snoke. There’s a theory floating around the Star Wars fandom I find fascinating. Redemption Foreshadowing in The Last Jedi.Chapter 10: Through Passion, I Gain Strength.

Swtor one man band